Vogue Paris Le bijou de la semaine : les boucles d’oreilles romantiques de Lova by VL

Harper's Bazaar and Sharon Stone with LOVA by VL Heart Earrings

As seen in Harper's Bazaar, our Multicolor Heart earrings in gold. Available in either clip or post backs. We were honored to be a part of Sharon Stone's looks of the day.
Reserved Magazine

Magazine: @reservedmagazine
Sylist: @wendymcnett
Hair / Makeup: @christinareyna / @raybrownpro
Model: Chiara Corridori @chiaracorridori / @ onemanagement
Assistant Stylist: Jamal Lyntrell Jackson
Photographer: @sergiokurhajec
Outfit: Top and skirt by VICTORIA HAYES @victoriahayescollection + Earrings by LOVA BY VL @lovabyvl + Shoes by MIA BECAR @mia_becar